("L5" is short for the fifth Lagrangian region, a place between the moon and the earth where a third body will stay at rest.) They all started in more traditional experimental and theoretical fields and then took the logical steps that led them to imaginary and previously un imagined worlds and conditions.

The various heroes are a group of unaffiliated scientists, thinkers and visionaries who, in their separate domains, have laid the foundation for the communal thinking of a group called the L5 Society and who are now its scientific and technological scouts. $18.95.ĬAN a vertebrate's brain that's been thrown into the deep freeze retain its unique electrical activity? Can two-legged animals live and procreate in a place with a gravitational field much stronger than the earth's? Can a person hitchhike on a comet to get out of this solar system? Can one build a computer that would faithfully represent the human brain? These and many more difficult questions are extensively dealt with by Ed Regis in "Great Mambo Chicken and the Trans human Condition." (By the way, a great mambo chicken - a fowl with "brute strength and endurance" - is what you get when you raise a normal chicken in a hypergravity chamber.) Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. GREAT MAMBO CHICKEN AND HE TRANSHUMAN CONDITION Science Slightly Over the Edge.